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Weed Walk Invasive Garden

When we did our weed walk we started in the invasive garden. This garden has a mind of it's own. I've long given up trying to tame t...

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Happy 2022!

Okay, now that I have your attention!  Isn't this just the cutest goat!


Wow, we made it to 2022!  So now we take the time to enjoy the good things in life. If the past two years has taught us anything, the most important things aren't things at all!  They are the people in our lives. So to start this year, I got a good nights sleep. What a concept!  After chores I took the dogs for a walk and said my morning prayer of thanks. We have had a tough December in my area, and I was blessed to come out of all that unscathed. 

Started out this year with a little champagne brunch. Good food, great people and enlightening conversation. I don't think you start a year out better than that!  

We did have a bit of the bubbley.  :) 

Finished up with some good food and laughs. I call that start a winner!