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Weed Walk Invasive Garden

When we did our weed walk we started in the invasive garden. This garden has a mind of it's own. I've long given up trying to tame t...

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Changing energies

I have been wondering a lot about how we perceive energy.  An event can happen and some people will see it as a very positive thing and some will feel it is the worst thing ever to have happened.  We are drawn to energies. Some are great examples and some are lessons to be learned. But does that make the energy that teaches us those lessons a negative or positive thing? It feel negative while we are in the process of learning, but after the lesson is learned we are stronger, more secure in our abilities. So doesn't that make it a positive thing?  The other thing I wonder about is if the things we are doing to this planet are changing our spiritual energy. I feel our souls are safe as they are connected to the Divine. But our spirit is something different. Our spirit is what makes us who we are. I read about the spirit activity at Chernobyl. It makes me wonder if Nuclear energy can affect our spiritual energies. What if we are messing up the planet so horribly our essence is being skewed? Just thoughts to ponder.