Behold the wonders of Mallow!
Greetings! Welcome to Rise Up! Ranch. We are a natural healing, herb knowledge, vegetable growing, soap making, kind of place. Everything is prepared as natural as humanly possible. Have a look around!
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Weed Walk Invasive Garden
When we did our weed walk we started in the invasive garden. This garden has a mind of it's own. I've long given up trying to tame t...
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Monday, December 5, 2022
There has been a lot of information out about keeping your gut healthy. There are studies that show there is a strong correlation between a healthy digestive system and your brain power! Makes sense really, your fuel for running your body comes from what you eat. I also read a paper that shows serotonin production begins in the digestive system.
There are more supplements than you can imagine to keep your gut healthy. They all claim to be natural, but how about a simple daily smoothie that can take care of that for you!
I make my own Kombucha. It's simple, inexpensive and so very good for you.
So I start this smoothie with Kombucha, about a cup. I add in some juice for nutrition and and flavor. It's winter time so I'm using pineapple juice for the Bromelain. It's a natural cough and congestion suppressant. And carrot juice for the vitamins, beta-carotene and potassium. I add a splash of Aloe Vera juice for the anti-oxidants and digestive help. I then add a couple tablespoons of plain yogurt. In the summer time I freeze the yogurt to give the smoothie a nice chill. (recipe below)
Since my surgery and wanting to help my tendon heal, I also add collagen powder. It is so good for tendon health as well as bone, skin and hair. My healing is coming along quite well.
I always need a bit of energy in the morning so I add beet powder as well. I like it better than coffee because you don't get that low feeling a few hours later.
This smoothie has everything you need to keep your gut working the way it should. It's hard to eat healthy when we are busy, and this smoothie is a great start to the day.
I just wanted to share what is working for me, just in case it works for you!
Stay warm and dry!!!
1 cup Kombucha
1/2 cup pineapple juice
1/2 cup carrot juice
2 tablespoons of aloe vera juice
2 tablespoons of plain yogurt
additionally I use:
Beet Powder
Blue Berries
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Day 3 of captivity….
As most of you know I had surgery Thursday to reconnect my
Achilles tendon to my heel. It was an unremarkable surgery of simply attaching filament
wire to the tendon, and anchoring to my heel via plastic anchors and screws.
Day one was okay, as the nerve block was holding, however
day two was a challenge as said block decided to wear off and the full force of
what it feels like to have things drilled into bone became apparent. But not to
worry, a wee bit of self-medication and a few (okay a lot) of choice words got
me through.
So here we are to today. I realize that there are times you
really must ask for help. I am blessed to have it granted. Before surgery my
awesome son Neal took my grocery shopping and to the bank so I had supplies for
this adventure. A lovely lady, Sherrie that I sold a
saddle to agreed to feed my horses day and night. Jim, bless his heart did the
driving and came by to help me with firewood, bringing in seedlings and various
other things. My dear friend Deborah
brought me a pizza to satisfy my need for comfort food. To my delight, Dan came
by and put up a ramp for me so when I have to go back to the Dr. I am able to
get to the vehicle. And last, but certainly not least were the prayers sent up
by friends, my bible study table, and I was blessed to have the surgeon pray
with me before the surgery.
So here I am day three, figured out how to do some of the
simplest things, wash my hair, tidy up a bit, how to get from my knee scooter
to bed and chair without crashing into things. I cannot use my right foot for
weeks. The healing takes a bit of time. I am not used to such constraints. Many
have had it worse, but trauma is measured on how much you have dealt with in
the past.
I have had a lot of things pass my way that were a trial,
mostly emotional, and I was able to eventually handle it. But this has taught
me many things.
I laugh when I type this because I can’t really say I have mastered that art,
but I am getting better. It is so frustrating to slow down to a crawl and take
all day to do a couple of simple things.
Asking for help, although nearly choked me, has
shown me that inherent kindness that resides in most people. We are in a time
when it appears humanity is losing it’s ability to care. I am happy to report
that in my circle that just isn’t true.
Dealing with disappointment. I am supposed to be
in Israel right now. I booked the trip first of summer, got it paid off and was
planning on a 10 day excursion through the holy land.
So now on day 3, stew is simmering on the stove, easy little
projects are being completed, people are reaching out. I will finish labeling soaps I made to take
to Christmas craft fairs that will be sold likely in Spring. I do have
bookkeeping work to do, and a few other life things I can take care of.
So if nothing else I want to remind you, when you feel the
tug to slow down and pay attention, but you are just too busy to do so, don’t
be so arrogant. Take the time to ease up when your body is tired, your mind is
racing and your soul is weary. Do it when it’s your choice, before the choice
is made for you. Just sayin
Thursday, September 22, 2022
The End of the World is Near!
Folks stand on boxes telling the world to watch out
Armageddon is coming! The world doesn’t end, it just changes. Each generation
fights to bring a new look to the landscape, either by style, belief, war or
peace. Each generation has something to offer. They fight for their changes. I
was born in 1957. Enter the 60’s, the day of the men’s club, woman at home,
children playing outside till dark, and the grand 50’s moral standard. People
went to church, they knew their neighbors, and there were no safety caps on
medicines. Government was trusted, presidents had a more regal bearing.
Fast forward to now. None of those things are true anymore.
None of them. Children have play dates, they don’t roam the neighborhood
looking for all the bikes parked outside a neighbor’s house to see where
everyone was hanging out. Now it’s all
scripted, children don’t learn interactive skills or communication. Mom’s set
up everything. Kids have phones so they are tethered to their parents, yet when
they are all together they don’t interact.
We are feeling a crossroads yet again. There is a call to
change the moral rules to allow for all kinds of new and some disturbing
behaviors. There is a breakdown in the family unit. Both parents work, just to make
ends meet. There is more control via advertising to tell you what you “need” to
own to be one of “us”.
So many want it all to take a step back, to stop running
amok. And so many want a new way. So as with every generation the fight is on.
It does seem different to me than the changes of the 60’s and 70’s. There was a
freedom type revolution that kept spilling over into the 80’s and 90’s and even
the first decade of the 2000’s. But now
even though they speak of freedom, people are anything but free. They are
tethered to their phones that record where you are at all times. Government
agencies have more control over your life than ever before. They say it’s for
your safety, but it’s really just another excuse to take away any thing that
resembles the freedom you might have thought you had.
In its stead, we have schools that go behind parent’s back
to teach children things children aren’t ready for. They are in a massive
indoctrination camp in the guise of learning. They took out PE and marvel at
how active children are, so they put them on drugs. The logic is out the
While I do understand that life is a constant line of
changes, it would be nice to keep the pleasant things. Keep moral high ground,
teach kids how to communicate, how to handle disappointment, how to be
proactive. We have a generation that has no idea how to make this all
work. Things have gone a bit too far,
and it needs to be throttled back. We all know there will be change, but it has
to make some kind of sense to bring joy, love, enlightenment, contentment back
into the world. All I see now is chaos, anger and fear. Look at what is
happening. We can do better.
Monday, September 19, 2022
I’m sitting here listening to the lovely sound of rain! We
haven’t had a good rain in a very long time and we really need it. Had a very
busy week last week, a combination of tax prep, real estate, gardening, and
My harvest last week was pretty good, and I decided to give fermenting a try. I do like to can, but I really didn’t have enough to feel like I should go through the energy and expense of canning. I have been watching a lot of videos on fermenting. Fermented foods are very good to keep a healthy gut. I am a solid kombucha drinker already, so I thought I would add this too!
I’ve also started my cole crops for my winter garden. This
year I’ve started broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussel sprouts and bok
choy. I’ve ordered my garlic from a place
in Idaho, and my onion sets should be here soon. I’ll be putting in root crops too, another
must have!
Just a reminder this is a good time to start your Fire
Cider. It takes a few weeks to infuse and cold and flu season is right around
the corner. Here is the link, in case you’ve never made it.
I do think it helps with congestion and sore
throats. It doesn’t taste great, but enough honey helps it go down.
Guess I better go label some soaps, they aren’t going to
label themselves!
Bye for now,
Let us not become
weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not
give up.
I will post my fermentation experiment in a few days and let
you know how it went.
Monday, January 17, 2022
When God He is speaking
Monday, January 10, 2022
Let's talk about Kombucha!
Sunday, January 2, 2022
Happy 2022!
Wow, we made it to 2022! So now we take the time to enjoy the good things in life. If the past two years has taught us anything, the most important things aren't things at all! They are the people in our lives. So to start this year, I got a good nights sleep. What a concept! After chores I took the dogs for a walk and said my morning prayer of thanks. We have had a tough December in my area, and I was blessed to come out of all that unscathed.
Started out this year with a little champagne brunch. Good food, great people and enlightening conversation. I don't think you start a year out better than that!
There has been a lot of information out about keeping your gut healthy. There are studies that show there is a strong correlation between ...
When God He is speaking That voice in your ear He talks of your joys He shows you your fears The pain of the others The weary and lost Tho...
When we did our weed walk we started in the invasive garden. This garden has a mind of it's own. I've long given up trying to tame t...