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When we did our weed walk we started in the invasive garden. This garden has a mind of it's own. I've long given up trying to tame t...
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Common Enemy
Rev. Wonder – common enemy
Have you ever noticed that there is nothing that brings people closer together than a common enemy? Its like we all have that one thing in common, we all hate _____________… fill in the blank. When I was young it was the communists. They were the bad guys, they were the ones trying to take peoples freedom away, and they totally dissed our way of life.
Now bring this to a faith stand point. We all have our faith base. No two are the same. You may argue that statement at will, but no two are the same. It is impossible as we all perceive things differently. You may all read the same book and get totally different things out of it depending on what you have to perceive it with.
Okay so we have this faith war going on. If you don’t believe in Christ you are not going to heaven. If you don’t believe in Allah, you should be killed. If you don’t believe in Krishna you don’t get to come back and make things right.
But think about this. What if all this finger pointing and chest pounding is just to divert you from what is really happening. Many people don’t believe in spiritual warfare. The tale of the two wolves is the most accurate way I have found to explain it.
The Story of Two Wolves
An old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life.
“A fight is going on inside me,” he told the young boy, “a terrible fight between two wolves. One is evil, full of anger, sorrow, regret, greed, self-pity and false pride. The other is good, full of joy, peace, love, humility, kindness and faith.”
“This same fight is going on inside of you, grandson…and inside of every other person on this earth.” The grandson ponders this for a moment and then asks, “Grandfather, which wolf will win?” The old man smiled and simply said, “The one you feed.”
So with this in mind, fighting over what faith to believe in isn’t feeding the right wolf. It is growing that distance between human beings, not allowing for the closeness we all strive for. We will all never be the same, it isn’t in the plan.
I have issue with things that distance some people, things like believe systems, politics and things of that nature. People should have the right to feel their own hearts. To examine their souls and KNOW what is right for them and what is wrong for them. No one has the right to take that away from you.
It is not the God of light that calls for these conflicts. He or She as you may see it, knows your heart! God knows no matter what you call the Divine; you are in good company with all the others that call to the Devine. It is the evil, (I really don’t like that word, but I don’t know a better one), that separates us, through ego and self-righteousness. It’s like the great slight of hand; argue over what to call the Divine so the darkness in your heart can grow. I see it often, too often. It is really close to me. There was this place where I thought everyone was welcome, every faith, every belief. But someone somehow decided that all were welcome except one. Do not call on that one for your strength, not in front of me. It didn’t’ matter if that strength helped them or not. It didn’t matter if the purity of the faith base was true to that person or not.
Then I saw good people rally, we must fight they all cried, they are wrong, we are right. Love and light shall win the day! Anger, hatred, judgment from those that I never thought would fall. You see, you have already lost. It got you. I walked away, I couldn’t watch it anymore. Am I any better? Oh hell no. I like to fight, I love to argue and debate. But in this war I couldn’t choose a side. Both are wrong.
Stack the deck, play the game, but never did anyone say, I have faith things will work out. I have faith that people will see the light and allow for all to be welcome once again. Faith was taken out of the equation, just as God has been taken out of our society. We pray, we meditate, we ask for guidance. Never have I had that guidance tell me to judge people unfairly just so my thinking was right.
In a time when you are given two options and neither are right, then you must seek a third, fourth or fifth option until you find the right one. Just because someone says there are only two ways to look at things doesn’t mean that is true.
I have issue with things that separate us. I am not a great people person either. But I believe we are all created equal in the heart of the Divine. We talk about getting closer to the Divine, about ascension, but I believe that no one gets closer until we all do. We are all connected. Even to those we disagree with, those that want to harm others, those that hate, those that want to help, those that love, those that do agree. We are all connected. So remember that when you are climbing your mountain of awareness, reach behind you and help those following, those working so hard to do the right things, to learn, to grow. And if they pass you up, be thankful, cheer them on, for it will be their hand that helps lift you to the next stage. We are only as strong as our weakest among us. And when all are ready, we will reach the top together.
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